Our vertical Economy                                
We worship as if it's a god.                        
However, it is powerless,
A pipe which we should not applaud.
The power that it seems to have
Is what we give Economy,
We then enable to decide
The life we have, what we can be.
The power we all give to it
Is generated as we try
To fill the void that's in our mind,
We find when asking, "Why am I?"

In our attempt to fill the void
We form a population cone
Around the economic pipe,
Each in a horizontal zone.
Our tries to fill the void with cash
Suck torrents of it out the top.
Since more will never be enough
The sucking force will never stop.
One at the top sucks in the most.
In zones below each one sucks less.
And in the base zone just to live,
Most often suck without success.
The capitalist 'cone' we form
Around the source of cash we need
Divides humanity so we're
Disintegrated by our greed.  
Our tries have screwed our 'Mother' to
The point she's taking her last breath.
Our worship of Economy
Will cause our Mother Nature's death.

If we maintain Economy
Humanity will be undone.
We might survive if it is razed
To leave a horizontal one.
With it our 'Mother' we might heal,
Equality would be our way,
There'd be no conflict over cash,
To live we wouldn't have to pay.
So we'd be free to reach out to
The bounds of what we can become,
To others, and to Nature's God;
Thus adding to our human sum.

To be our servant not our god
Should be economy's intent.
If we create it we will find
A level one leaves all content.

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ABORTION (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
WAR on POVERTY (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)

BARACK OBAMA: four more years of same


The president's acceptance speech
Repeated thoughts from his old song.
"Our road [we've] traveled has been hard.
[As well] our journey has been long."

"Together we [will] rise and fall."
Is thinking that's still wrong it seems.
Together we will surely rise;
We'll fall pursuing "our own dreams".

To rise we need to dream the same.
A common purpose we must see;
To reach out to the limits of
Our own unique capacity.

He shouldn't praise our "politics".
"Democracy" reveals our fights.
Humanity will not survive
The battles for divisive "rights".

"These arguments are [not] a mark
Of liberty." They're chains that bind
Us to beliefs that keep us from
The freedom which we long to find.

We don't have "common hopes and dreams".
The poor dream to be "middle class".
Those in the middle hope to say,
"The rest of you can kiss my ass."

Until Economy is razed,
"The hope that something better []waits"
Will be Obama's legacy.
"God [cannot] bless these [untied states]".

Barack Obama: a cautionary view
Barack Obama: attack on greed
Barack Obama: fighting for change
Barack Obama: my hope
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: professing change
Barack Obama: sacrificing lives
Barack Obama: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future


The Bible says that sin began
The moment 'Eve' ate from the 'tree'.
It's not the act which screwed 'the plan'
That God had for humanity.
The first reflective question "Why?"
Was not the reason for "the fall".
Her act of asking "Why am  I?"
Made 'Eve' the mother of us all.
The "why?" though left a hole inside
'Eve' felt she needed to avoid
For fear, which she could not abide.
So 'Adam' tried to fill the void.
The void however, can't be filled.
It seems it's meant to be within
So wondering will make us thrilled.
Thus 'Adam's' try began our sin.

We try to fill the void eight ways.
Religions and philosophies
Are one attempt; and money pays;
And anesthetics try to please.
Preeminence and romance too;
Our spouse and kids; careers; and facts.
We blend some into what we do.
They're inwardly directed acts.

And thus the sins we choose conflict.
Like punishments just indicates
It matters not the sins we picked.
It is the conflict that God hates.
Believing God forgives our sins
And lets us carry on with life
Is where our present Hell begins,
A place of self-destructive strife.
To save our lives we must end Hell.
Extracting sins is difficult.
If we succeed, God's 'rose' we'll smell,
And "ideal" living will result.


WHITNEY HOUSTON: her unsung song


If there are angels in our lives
We can be certain of one thing.
They have a school of music where
Ms. Whitney Houston learned to sing.

Her voice would open heaven's door
From where we'd hear the angels cheer.
Before she reached her song's last note
We felt that God had shed a tear.

Ms. Houston sang her final song.
In echos of her actions though
We saw her words to "They Were Wrong".

"I climbed the peak of my career
Where I'd find fullness in success;
But when I made it to the top
I found there, only emptiness.

'They' said that I should trust the Lord
And all my cares he would relieve.
I tried with all my heart but found
'Their' promises were make believe.

Then I was told that love and sex
Would fill the emptiness inside.
At first I thought 'they' might be right.
I knew at last that 'they' had lied.

When all else failed 'they' tried to fill
The void in me with drugs and booze
Although I knew it was a fight
For life that I'd most likely lose.

I lost but I did not give up.
I had begun to see the light.
It's just that time ran out before
 The 'wrong' I could replace with 'right'.

I saw the void cannot be filled
Regardless of the way we try.
It's central to our life because
We cannot answer, "Why am I?"

All we can do is reach out to
The bounds of our capacity,
To others and to God as well,
Becoming what we're meant to be.

If I could do it all again
I'd sing with angels every day.
I'd do my best to make God smile.
We'll crash with any other way."

SARAH BURKE: her perfect run.


On 1/19/2012
She rode her pipe one final time.
Her training run came to an end
Without a reason or a rhyme.

For Rory and her family
Her loss they will forever feel;
But it might help that Sarah was
The girl with skis who made life real.

"A pioneer", she reached out to
The bounds of her capacity.
Like no one else her flips and twists
Defied the laws of gravity.

The pipe was where she felt alive.
In it she learned to use her wings.
Each time she took us on her flights
She taught us how our spirit sings.

As we remember Sarah Burke,
Recall her "Why not?" attitude,
Her sparkling eyes, her lovely smile,
For life, her constant gratitude.

If thoughts of her still make us sad
And we can't help but wonder why,
We could think she now went to God
To teach the angels how to fly.

SARAH BURKE 1982-2012
