Fall Ride 1
On one of the hundreds of trails around my mountain home.

Fall Ride 2
Same trail, another location.

Storing wood: fall 2020
1.5 cords. My snowblower/wood mover.

Road up to the wood shed

Snowblower loaded with wood pulling me up the ramp.

Slide to move containers of wood

Nectarines and Prune plums
preparing to freeze

Slicing Peach Wedges

Peach Wedges
Laid out on freezing trays. Pre-freezing the wedges before bagging eliminates the sticky mess.

Delicate Raspberries
I place them on screens, spray them with water to wash off any dust, dry them with a gentle blast of compressed air, pre-freeze them, then bag them without mushing them.

Pre-freezing raspberries

My Ideal Bread
I ate a lot of loaves that looked like bricks until I stumbled upon a recipe that yields a loaf with roughly the same amounts of carbohydrate and protein. It is the perfect fit for my “Ideal Diet”, part of “Nature’s Nutritional Ideal”, noted in the sidebar.

Ideal Bread Slicer for Ideal Bread

Stirring Seitan
Seitan is my meat substitute. Lord Nelson is waiting to lick out the pot

My sprout garden
A blend of broccoli, broccoli raab, radish, mustard & arugula. Sprouts have many times more nutrients than the full grown vegetables. Look it up. The batch on the left is ready to eat. Six days from seed to eat.

Winter Ride
The roads to the lake were bare and dry.

Winter Ride End
I did have to push my bike up the driveway.

House Work
Vacuuming Lord Nelson.

Me and my Railing Post
There are many more photos of my just my railing in the railing gallery.

Fall Ride
On the Lost Lake trails.

Lord Nelson
Having a look at life from my point of view.

The chef, circa 2005
Or is that the "chief"? Mom calls me both, often at the same time. She used to call me Bob and Don a lot too. She never called me Sue or Sharon though.

Easy rider 1972
In the fall of '72 I rode from Oshawa Ontario to Panama, flew without my bike to Cochabamba Bolivia and stayed with my sister Suzanne & Bob for two months. I rode from Panama to Key West Fla., to L.A. Cal., to Vancouver B.C., to Red Deer Al., and stayed for a month with Betty and my brother Bob who took this picture. In the spring of '73 I rode from Red Deer to Oshawa, sold my bike within a week and haven't been on one since.

Me the stone mason, circa 2006
I am working on the only kind of walls that we should build.