/The capitalist cone:
Our vertical Economy
We worship as if it's a god.
However, it is powerless,
A pipe which we should not applaud.
The power that it seems to have
Is what we give Economy,
We then enable to decide
The life we have, what we can be.
The power we all give to it
Is generated as we try
To fill the void that's in our mind,
We find when asking, "Why am I?"
In our attempt to fill the void
We form a population cone
Around the economic pipe,
Each in a horizontal zone.
Our tries to fill the void with cash
Suck torrents of it out the top.
Since more will never be enough
The sucking force will never stop.
One at the top sucks in the most.
In zones below each one sucks less.
And in the base zone just to live,
Most often suck without success.
The capitalist 'cone' we form
Around the source of cash we need
Divides humanity so we're
Disintegrated by our greed.
Our tries have screwed our 'Mother' to
The point she's taking her last breath.
Our worship of Economy
Will cause our Mother Nature's death.
If we maintain Economy
Humanity will be undone.
We might survive if it is razed
To leave a horizontal one.
With it our 'Mother' we might heal,
Equality would be our way,
There'd be no conflict over cash,
To live we wouldn't have to pay.
So we'd be free to reach out to
The bounds of what we can become,
To others, and to Nature's God;
Thus adding to our human sum.
To be our servant not our god
Should be economy's intent.
If we create it we will find
A level one leaves all content.
OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
DONALD TRUMP (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ABORTION (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
WAR on POVERTY (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)