OCCUPY WALL STREET: a hint of hope


Wisconsin was the state wherein
Humanity was re-conceived.
They had no vision of it then
But change was needed they believed.

It came to Wall Street to be born.
Let's hope it's here that we can see
The changes needed to ensure
We feed reborn humanity.

We have to see the common good
And rise above Democracy,
A system which persists because
Our dominant concern is "me".

The vertical economy
We can't continue to applaud.
A horizontal one we need
To be our servant, not our god.

Religions and philosophies
We think give meaning to our life,
We must discard to see the view
That frees us from ongoing strife.

All hits to our environment
We simply must bring to an end.
Unless we quit assaulting her
A final message she'll soon send.

The calls for changes aren't diverse.
They have their source in one appeal
To make the common life we live
The consequence of "the ideal".

For years change has been side to side.
We must begin to move ahead.
If we don't make these changes, then
The end of Wall Street will be dead.


When I attack don't think that I
Can't see what is profound.
Instead think that it's probable
You're not on solid ground.

To claim you're the enlightened ones
Is fantasy at best.
When you're with reason scrutinized
You fail to pass the test.

Your obfuscation numbs the mind.
Your claims of health are tall.
You're selling 'patent medicine'
Without the alcohol. 

I cannot overstate my fear
That since you are so full,
You are a danger to our health
By spreading sacred bull.

Our spirit is our 'light' to which
Not one of you can lead.
It is within, we generate
The power that we need

By reaching to the limits of
Innate capacity,
To others and to Nature's God.
From you we should be free.

WISCONSIN PROTESTS: the rebirth of humanity?


The first time we were given 'life'
By Eve who wondered why.
Uncertain, Adam wet the earth
And made the first reply.

Religions and philosophies
Obscured the void since then;
And one was trusting in the "Dream"
Until Wisconsin, when

Some gathered to protest a law
That clearly is unjust.
It's certain now the 'government'
No longer has their trust.

Now that it's lost, what will they do?
Will they just wade around?
I pray they from the 'mud' give birth
To life on higher ground?

There we would see with open eyes
The scales of justice tip,
Down to humane economy
Up from dictatorship,

That millions more in other states
Agree to overthrow;
Then free of 'mud' create a life
In which we all can grow.

Without dictating what to do
By the economy,
We'll follow all the paths of life
To see what we can be.

The human race to get ahead
We will no longer run.
The life we find along our paths
We'll share with everyone.

The measure of success in life
Will not be what we earn,
But rather by the growing sum
Of everything we learn.

Together we will realize
Capacities innate,
Which in "reaction to the void"
Creates the ideal state.

This vision differs from the 'mud'
That clogs our common brain.
The most important difference is,
This one we can sustain.

TAHRIR SQUARE: birthplace of Egyptian democracy?


A million people filled the square.
They came from every walk of life.
It's said democracy was there.
That couldn't be, there was no strife.

The people had a single goal,
To from the cup of freedom sip.
They came as one to overthrow
The head of their dictatorship.

Cooperation was the drink
That filled the cup they passed around.
It drugged them so they had to think,
"This time we stand on common ground."

"The Man" is gone, what's their intent?
Here too will people vote for 'me',
And watch Egyptian government
Descend into democracy?

Occupy Wall Street