
On June the twenty fifth '09
We know that Michael's body died.
I wonder of his spirit though
How much of it was left inside.

Though "King of Pop" to all the world,
A lonely man he seemed to be.
His wealth and fame were obvious.
The emptiness we could not see.

He tried to fill the void inside
With things he bought and carnal thrills;
But when he found these meaningless
He tried to fill the void with pills.

I never worhipped at his feet.
I never sang or danced his songs.
When the official viewing starts
I will not be among the throngs.

Still Michael will join Elvis in
A life view with some simple themes.
They're dead examples of their tries
To fill the void with stardom dreams.

Age of Entertainment

BARACK OBAMA: sacrificing lives


When bankrupt GM tanked and it
Was forced to trim its size,
Barack Obama made a speech
Which brought tears to my eyes.

He said now more will lose their jobs;
Its just part of the price.
Like soldiers in the terror wars,
Some lives we'll sacrifice.

So life's become a battlefield
For economic war.
Our purpose has been lowered to
The deadly fight for more.

It could be this is Nature's way;
But it's so hard to see
How fighting over dollars will
Evolve humanity.

More likely as in other wars
All we will truely find,
Our fights for jobs will only prove
What's bankrupt is our mind.

Barack Obama: a cautionary view
Barack Obama: fighting for change
Barack Obama: my hope
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: professing change
Barack Obama: attack on greed
Barack Obama: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future

BARACK OBAMA: attack on greed


Barrack Obama says that greed
Has caused Economy to fail.
But what sustains our growing drive
For making money, to prevail?

It is the void we feel within
We find when asking the last why.
Although opposed to the ideal,
Eight ways to fill the void, we try.

One way we try to fill the void;
With money and consumer stuff.
The problem, we could have it all
And never ever have enough.

So legislation can't stop greed.
Barack Obama should get real.
Instead of making useless laws
He should be freeing the ideal.

Barack Obama: four more years of same
Barack Obama: a cautionary view
Barack Obama: fighting for change
Barack Obama: my hop
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: professing change
Barack Obama: sacrificing lives
Barack Obama: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future

AIG: altogether in greed

SHANE McCONKEY: flight to perfection


Shane soared with eagles one last time,
So high above the ground.
Flight was the reason that he lived;
Where life its meaning found.

He boldly went before us all
To show what we can do.
If only we would spread our wings
We could make that leap too.

The last flight did not go as planned.
His skis would not release.
With balance lost, his chute no use,
He knew he'd soon find peace.

Then Sherry, Ayla, Glenn and Jim,
They all came to his mind.
He thought of all the things he'd done
As life he tried to find.

But when his flight approached its end
He thought, "Well this is it."
He tried to say a prayer, instead
His last words were, "No shit,

What luck! I hit the perfect slope;
The perfect line I see.
I'll flip then pull my chute and float
For all eternity."

Dec 30 1969-Mar 26 2009



Hush, listen to our Mother Earth
And hear her mournful cries.
Know that the snow upon our face
Comes from our Mother's eyes.

She gave us life and cared for us
But when life we could choose,
We took a path away from her
And so her gift we lose.

We visit her in homes like this.
She sits in her Armchair.
We whistle pika's tune for her
And hope it shows we care.

She smiles but in her heart she knows
How insincere we are.
The twinkle in her eyes we see
Is from a lonely star.

Then as we leave she whispers so
It's hard for us to hear,
Be careful, in the path you choose
There may not be next year.