BARACK OBAMA: professing change


"Down at the bottom are the poor.
Above them is the middle class.
Then those who can afford to say,
'The rest of you can kiss my ass.'

The upper class is next to God.
That is the way it's always been.
I know I promised you real change
But changing that would be a sin.

There is a change I'll try to make.
The middle class I'll reinforce
So those of us who ride on it
Won't kill this economic horse.

I also plan to help the poor
So they can better scoop horse shit.
I'll tell them to "the Dream" aspire
Though they can have no part of it.

I know our Declaration says
We're equal in the sight of God;
But in my view there 'd be no life
Had we no one on whom to trod.

And so fellow Americans
Joe will not give the common ground
Where 'life' and 'liberty' and the
'Pursuit of happiness' are found."

Barack Obama: attack on greed
Barack Obama: a cautionary view
Barack Obama: fighting for change
Barack Obama: my hope
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: sacrificing lives
Barack Obams: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future

BARACK OBAMA: inauguration day


On January twentieth
It was Barack Obama's day.
So many came to worship him
I thought that God had come to stay.

God didn't though; and where God is
I'm certain God will be annoyed
That once again the voters think
This President can fill the void.

Obama could have led the way
Toward the change we all ignore.
Instead he left the 'law' that says
The President we must adore.

My hope for real change has been dashed.
I wished not for another star.
It says we're "equal"; if that's so
We should praise each for who we are.

We each should have our own parade
To celebrate what we can be.
For President and cobbler too
We should recite some poetry.

The Presidency can't contain
More meaning than in mending shoes.
Perpetuation of this myth
Ensures more of our life we'll lose.

The change that leaves us "equal" all,
To "happiness" and "life" pursue,
Is not the President's to make.
It's something only we can do.

If each of us dispelled the "myth",
Which is a major source of strife,
Without Obama signing law
We could inaugurate new life.



"Free markets" is another myth
Upon which we build life;
But like our 'faiths' they can't be free
Because they cost us strife.

We fight because there's not enough
To fill the void within,
The purpose of the market race
We think we need to win.

What is the point? We have to ask,
Why strive to get ahead,
Since we all know that at the end
We're tied when we are dead?

The market that we could set up
Which would be truly free,
Is one at which we each share our
Unique capacity.

When we invest in these life shares
Returns are mutual;
And to us our life dividends
Are only paid in full.

Not one will lose; we all will gain.
For in our common thirst
To be what we can be that's when
Humanity is first.