
(Jae C. Hong/Associated Press)

Congratulations to Barack,
He has his cherished prize;
But at a time in history
That brings tears to our eyes.

He's captain of a ship that is,
Regardless what you think,
So full of holes allowing leaks,
They could cause it to sink.

The people of the world are split
Along so many lines,
Humanity could self-destruct;
We can't ignore the signs.

Our trusted god Economy
Is in the ICU.
Her health may not return despite
What 'doctors' try to do.

Our life support is under stress
So much that it could break;
And we use time to fight about
Repairs we need to make.

He says he's going to bring you change,
A goal that you all cheer,
Until you learn you must give up
Some views that you hold dear.

I wish him well and truly hope
The prize that should be gold,
Is not an anchor with a chain
You've given him to hold.

Barack obama: attack on greed
Barack Obama: a cautionary view
Barack Obama: fighting for change
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: professing change
Barack Obama: sacrificing lives
Barack Obama: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future

BARACK OBAMA: fighting for change


"Change never comes without a fight"
Is something new Barack has said,
Which makes me think despite his skill
His new ideas might be dead.

The fight for change is nothing new.
It is what we have always done.
So if this time we fight for change
The change we need will not be won.

If we must fight to change the view
Of someone who can't see our way,
We will again still 'kill' that one;
And be as far from a new day.

It makes no sense to fight against
The governed systems that we find
For they are just created from
'Philosophies' that make us blind.

Real change requires we rid ourselves
Of theories with which we make traps.
So bridges we no longer build.
Instead we merely close the gaps.

To make this change we only need
A knowledge of biology
Where we will find our meaning in
Becoming what we each can be.

Thus notwithstanding rhetoric
And leadership that's overblown,
The changes we make without fights
Are changes we make on our own.

Barack Obama: attack on greed
Barack Obama: a cautionary view
Barack Obama: my hope
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: professing change
Barack Obama: sacrificing lives
Barack Obama: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future

AMERICAN NIGHTMARE: the dying Economy

Last week after the markets closed
We heard the most unearthly scream.
Collectively we pinched ourselves
To make sure it was not a dream.

And sure enough the scream was real
There was no doubt; it had to be.
It came from us as we all watched
The dying god, Economy.

Yes on the dollar bill it says,
For everything "In God we trust."
But that's because to God we pray,
"Don't let Economy go bust."

With money and the things it buys
We try to fill the void within.
It can't be done but we believe
Without it emptiness will win.

More money to fulfill "The Dream"
Has been for us our only care.
Economy's demise will mean
"The Dream" becomes a real nightmare.

If all of us do not wake up,
About the void we do not learn,
We'll keep our 'god' on life support,
Each day our nightmare will return.




"They" say we'll win the war on crime.
Of them I ask, what is the cost?
Do we keep adding more police
Until our freedom is all lost?

What is the price per capita
Of all the safety that we buy?
It's going up; will we go broke
Before we ask the reason why?

When spending stops then we will find
The war on crime has not been won.
For we will see all hell break loose
When our restraints all come undone.

As long as we keep our own plots
We will continue to grow crime,
That though "they" say we can control,
It will destroy us over time.

To create peace we can't wage war
On crime or any other foe.
It's only when we plant our 'seeds'
In common ground that peace will grow.