S. Palin says she hears God's voice.
But if we checked I think we'd find
It's not God's voice but echos of
Thoughts she's created in her mind.

George said he heard God's voice as well.
He said God told him to attack.
I'm quite sure though if George heard God
There wouldn't be war in Iraq.

Nor would there be a Taliban
If fighters listened to Allah.
In fact if all of us heard God
Existence would inspire awe.

For anyone who hears God's voice
Will not divide society;
Since if God speaks, God's voice will say,
"I'm God of all humanity."

God; God's will; God's message



Environmental green shift plans
Are all the present rage.
The fight to clean up where we live;
A war that we must wage.

It is no doubt a worthy goal
To be pollution free;
But we can't save our Mother Earth
And not humanity.

Although clean up is not in vain
The focus is misplaced.
We should look for the reason why;
A source that can be traced.

To save ourselves we must clean up
The reasons why we live.
It's only when we take from them
That to life we can give.

The "why" we live which dominates,
That's left our earth destroyed;
With money and the stuff it buys
We try to fill the void.

It is a task that can't be done
No matter how we try.
If we persist then it will be
The reason that we die.

Removing from our lives this waste
Will not just leave them clean.
Environmentally we'll make
The needed shift to green.

Cancun: COP 16



The snap election has been called.
The media no longer wait;
And we all sit by our TV
To watch the leaders recreate.

At least four leaders make the case
For all Canadians they speak.
It might appear the choice is good.
In fact it makes us very weak.

United in a cause, we stand.
Divided by our views we fall.
Though now it might not seem like it
If we don't change we'll hit the wall.

We can not go our separate ways
And not at sometime come apart.
The more we carve our country up
The sooner we will break her heart.

It's not our leaders' fault you know.
They speak for those who let them lead;
And we don't know the way to go
So thatreal life we won't impede.

It's farce at best to watch them huff
Espousing theories that we trust
To be the truth despite the fact
That with our death they turn to dust.

And rather than have intercourse
We just perpetuate the strife
With one more meaningless debate
That can't for us create new life.

On the election night there'll be
Some twenty million votes for sale,
Three hundred million dollars spent;
No matter, chaos will prevail.




A liberal conservative
Without a place to stand,
Has one foot in the sea of change
The other on dry land.

"I'll change established ways", he said;
A popular refrain.
I'll win the war, create more jobs,
Remove the health care pain.

It's truly an  ambitious plan
That's worthy of applause;
But like Barach, John does not see
The underlying cause

Of problems that he says he'll solve
If it takes his last breath.
It will because he's like the one
Who tried to conquer death.

It doesn't matter what they are,
The problems will not end
When he or Barack O gives us
A law that they have penned.

They can not legislate against
The problems that we face,
Caused by efforts to fill the void
That will remain in place

Until we change within "The Law"
That governs what we are,
To natural activity.
Then we will heal the scar.

And if we change there'll be no need
To have a president.
So John will then have to accept
He was not heaven sent.

He'll be like all the rest of us.
We'll walk on common sod,
Reach out to our capacities,
To others and to God.

Barack Obama

OLYMPIC NIGHTMARE: the little girl


The little Chinese girl was told
Her voice is like Olympic gold.
Her face though didn't match her sound;
And so a pretty girl was found

To mouth the words the other sings,
Debasing her Olympic rings.
The billions spent, the metals won
Will vanish with the setting sun.

But we'll remember it was wrong
Denying that young girl her song
Because she failed to pass their test
To be more pretty than the rest.

Olympic Dreams
Olympic Letters