When living for what's after life
We put the horse behind the cart.
We should bet on the here and now
And not what's after we depart.

What's after life I do not know.
Had I the facts, I'd tell of course.
If there's someone who has been there
I want these answers from that source.

Where do we go? What do we do?
Do we look on those left behind?
Please let me see the evidence.
I do not want a faith that's blind.

There is none; thus until we're there
The afterlife remains a myth.
But still I've had some idle thoughts
About it, I've been toying with.

Suppose the agents are part right;
But afterlife just mirrors life,
So when we fly to Paradise
Our baggage is our current strife.

If  'after' is linked to 'before'
That fact another message sends.
While blowing life on 'earth' to hell
The life in 'heaven' also ends.

So just in case, it would be wise
On earth a heaven to create.
Then if there is an afterlife
We'll find it in a peaceful state.



The "war on terrorism" is
A visible activity
That fights the terror that's within,
Our common human enemy.

Our terror is of the unknown
We find when asking "Why am I?"
It's of the void which can't be filled
But war is still a way we try.

This "terrorism" is a foe
Ideally suited to our fight.
Unlike the terror in our mind,
The terrorists are in plain sight.

They could be us. We need just try
To fill the void at the extreme,
For there such terror we will cause
To keep alive a dying dream.

It keeps us all so occupied
We have no time to think about
The reason we are in this war,
And thus the why we don't want out.

But if we see we must get out
Before it leaves us all destroyed,
The war will end when we decide
There are no ways to fill the void.

When we discard them we will find
The common ideal way of life
With peace of mind we all can feel
Diminishing to none our strife.

If we decide to end the war,
The terrorists we need not fear.
Their reason is the same as ours
So terrorists will disappear.

ATTACKS: Paris and elsewhere


God's will is doctrine of the church
That harms God's credibility;
And gratefully absolves from us
All our responsibility.

Believing God decides who's rich
Then chooses those who beg for bread
Can only lead me to conclude
The church's God must be brain dead.

The view that God designed the rank
Of races that has whites on top
With darker shades then blacks below
Requires that all thinking stop.

For God to use disease to teach
Us lessons that we need to learn
Interprets life in such a way
That God, I only want to spurn.

God cannot "bless America"
Inferring God leaves out the rest
And not create in me the view
Believers failed their IQ test.

How can I possibly believe
When told that God is in control
Then see on every nightly news
More soldiers killed while on patrol.

To hear from fields of war and sport
"Almighty God was on my side"
While those opposed God helped defeat,
Is thinking my mind can't abide.

To thus believe I must suspend
The use of my intelligence.
To think we find the will of God
In things like this, does not make sense.

We're separated from what's real.
God's purpose no one understands.
We're looking up; we should look down.
The will of God is in our hands.

God; God's voice; God's message




Mom had a sad attack today.
I wonder not how can it be.
At 92 I am amazed
They happen so infrequently.

She can't remember days gone by;
And always when she looks ahead
She sees the pictures on the wall
Of all the people who are dead.

I hold her, wringing out the tears;
And listen for the reason why.
I do not ask when all she says,
"Great sadness is what made me cry."

Eventually the sobbing ends.
Then later when the cloud has gone
She dries my tears and says to me,
"Come on now son let's carry on."