

Now everybody wonders why
The governor gave sex a try.
He had two girls, a loving wife,
Enjoyed success in a past life.

In politics a rising star,
To most it seemed he would go far,
Perhaps becoming president;
And now his life is all but spent.

The why is really very clear.
What Spitzer did was out of fear.
He spent his life on high priced sex
Because the rest gave no effects.

He looked for why but none was found.
In this we're all on common ground.
Before we join in poking fun
We should look at what we have done.

While Spitzer with the women toyed
In vain attempts to fill the void
According to the last report
We've trashed our only life support.

While trying hard the void to fill
With war how many do we kill?
We fill it with philosophy
And thus divide humanity.

Tiger's Tale





"You called excessive wealth a sin.
You're right; but you should look within.
You didn't look behind your back
Before you called the "kettle black".

The poverty you too create.
It's born out of the wealthy state.
To banish wealth and poverty"
God said to Benny, "Start with thee.

Sell all your robes, your Popemobile;
Begin to live a life that's real.
Last give the Vatican away;
And then perhaps with you I'll stay."




So someone asked jailed Conrad Black,
"How will you spend each day?"
"I know I'll write; perhaps I'll teach.
Then I will stand and pray."

And when he prays I'd like to be
The fly upon the wall,
As he and God communicate
About his recent fall.

He first may say, "I thank you God
For the economy
You've pointed to the heavens so
I can be close to thee?

But why have you forsaken me
When you sent me to save?
I've lost it all; I'm penniless
With one foot in this grave."

Perhaps he'll ask, "Forgive them Lord,
They know not what they've done.
You blessed me with intelligence.
I am your favorite son."

Maybe he'll pray, "I need your help
To live this life inside.
It will be tough to live without
The millions you provide."

And when he hears God's silent voice
Lord Black might understand,
God's saying, "All these things you have?
They are not from my hand.

My hands are wrapped around the poor
You men of wealth create.
How can you possibly believe
I would create this state?

I will help you but only if
You promise to help me.
I'm overwhelmed providing for
All of humanity."





A wise God gave us dogs and cats
To live with us so we could see
How we can live our lives without
Religion and philosophy.
They look to us with trusting eyes.
They don’t ask us what we believe.
Their love is unconditional;
It's all that they want to receive.
If only we could be like pets
Our world would be devoid of strife.
We’d not divide humanity.
Together we’d enjoy "real life".



BARACK OBAMA: a cautionary view



Obama is so eloquent
In all the speeches that he makes.
It seems from heaven he has come
To save us all from our mistakes.

A savior could be what he is.
I will admit I do not know.
But this reminds me of a time
Another tried so long ago.

His message too was one of change.
"Do unto others..." was his cry.
It seems to me we still don't hear.
In ways some will not, others die.

So can Obama have success
In making changes that we need?
Of course he can't; no leader can.
To make these changes, we must lead.

The change we must make to survive
Is one we desperately avoid.
Instead of trying to fill it
We have to empty now, the void!

It's filled with our 'philosophies'
We think give meaning to our life
Despite a history that shows
They've given us nothing but strife.

We should take care to analyse
Our leaders and what we have tried.
We must live what is "natural".
We won't if we're Obamafied.

Barack Obama: four more years of same
Barack Obama: attack on greed
Barack Obama: fighting for change
Barack Obama: my hope
Barack Obama: victory speech
Barack Obama: inauguration day
Barack Obama: professing change
Barack Obama: sacrificing lives
Barack Obama: healthcare
Barack Obama: his Gulf oil war
Barack Obama: winning the future