The feeling that is happiness
Comes from an inner sun.
Its warmth conveys to us the sense
A struggle we have won.

Just like the sun we make the warmth
With our activities
That reach out to the limits of
Innate capacities,

To others and to Nature's God;
And all at the same time.
The warmth created then gives life
It's reason and its rhyme.

Attempts to gather things of life
We think make happiness,
Will fail because there's not enough
To fill the emptiness.

Say "reaching out..." becomes a score.
Then happiness will be
Just playing all the notes of it
In perfect harmony.

We 'play' ourselves but join as well
Together in our 'band'.
When there's just happiness perhaps
We'll see our ‘Mothers’ hand.


It is a month till Christmas night
So now's the time to start the fight
To settle whether we should be
Still saying, "It's a Christmas tree".

For all our sakes we must know why.
Until we do, reindeer won't fly;
And Santa in the north is stuck
Frustrated, screaming "What's this muck?"

We're really such a stupid lot
To get our shorts in such a knot.
A symbol, but God's not at stake;
It's of commercial give and take!

Perhaps though that's the reason why
We hold our Christmas symbol high.
It's not the threat no carols we'll sing;
But registers that will not ring. 

Ho yes we must protect that sound.
So place the tree on hollowed ground,
Not to prevent religious strife
But to protect our way of life. 

We need to spend and spend and spend;
For if we don't our life will end.
The loss of Christmas we avoid;
With it we try to fill the void





"So, what is beauty?", you have asked.
It could be many things.
For instance, something it could be,
The notes a song bird sings;

A flower's bloom; an eagle's flight;
The fragrance of a rose;
The way that from a tiny seed
That lovely flower grows.

It too can be a growing child,
A sparkle in the eyes
Of infants learning how to walk
Then reaching for blue skies. 

It is a feeling that's within
We get when we "reach out..."
To find another piece of us
We can't become without.

A tender touch from one we love,
A mother's warm embrace,
A welcome smile and tears of joy
Like diamonds on a face.

The drink of water from a stream
And breathing in fresh air.
Our 'Mother's' other gifts to us
For showing that we care.

Then beauty is to feel again
When hit by tragedy
That seemed to leave a void inside
We felt we could not flee.

Since we find "beauty... in the eye..."
I could list many more.
But all will have the same effect;
It makes our spirit soar.


I'm in the winter of my life;
It is the strangest thing.
Outside I see the seasons passed;
Inside it seems like spring.

I look behind; there's nothing there.
Ahead is much the same.
To find the purpose in between
Now seems to be a game.

When I was young I did not think
Things would turn out this way.
Of age I did not think at all;
Forever young I'd stay.

Now balanced on the edge like this
Is not for faint of heart.
The end is near so I know that
Today I could depart.

I have a choice; I carry on.
It is a common fight.
I only hope that God is there
To take me from the 'night'.






Make no mistake; do not believe
For soldiers dead I do not grieve.
But then I'm sad humanity
Does not yet have the 'eyes' to 'see'
The reason why we all can kill
By proxy, is we have no will
To find the way to get along
Because we must give up our 'song'.

No God, don't try to change my life!
It matters not it causes strife.
It is a life I will defend
But with the life of my dear friend,
My brother, sister, father, son.
I will remember everyone.
Two minutes I will gladly give
To those who die that I may live.

It seems to me it's just not right
That over our beliefs we fight.
I wish we all would volunteer
To give up theories we hold dear.
The place they were we'd fill with peace.
Remembrance Days would also cease.
A world however, without hate
Would still have cause to celebrate.

We could rejoice in lives not lost;
In living life without that cost.
We could remember when we found
Togetherness on common ground.
We could recite some poetry
About how pleasant peace can be.
To demonstrate we really care
White poppies on our hearts we'd wear.