ALONE: an anthem for humanity

Don't give me solitude
For I'll be forced to try,
As 'Adam' did for 'Eve',
To answer, "Why am I?"
Please busy me with work.
If none then let me sink.
Give me philosophy
So I don't have to think.
I'll try religions too,
To occupy my mind,
And atheism if
Their gods I cannot find.
When these don't satisfy
I'll also heed the call
To numb my mind with drugs,
And sex and alcohol.
Create more stuff to buy;
I'll shop until I drop.
Speed up the human race;
I never want to stop.
Turn on the facebook page
And then the twitter feed;
To fill the emptiness
There're still not what I need.
I'll search the latest phone,
Computer and TV.
With thoughts life's meaningless,
Alone I cannot be.



Rose seeds become the rose is truth.
It's constant for all living things
That when we hear a song bird's song
It's what that song bird always sings.
Don't search for truth in what we say.
These 'truths' will also end up dust.
The truth that's written in our genes
Can be the only truth we trust.
We must "reach out...", become our 'rose',
Our being less is falsity.
The truth we search for we will find
In what we were designed to be.
Our searches just don't find our truth.
With each find the collective grows.
As we continue to find truth
Humanity becomes the rose.


Ten years until chaos begins!
That was the news from Tony Blair.
Due to environmental sins
We'll trash our 'home' beyond repair!

I want to speak but he is gone;
And with him everything he said.
Instead there is a pretty one
Who tells us many more are dead.

There was another "Columbine".
Some hundreds more die in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Palestine;
So many more I can't deep track.

Those millions dying we can see
Because there's not enough to eat
Are less than with obesity.
So sad; I need another treat.

Switch to another pretty face
Informing us about our stocks
Though few have access to this place
Where it's well known that money talks.

The government had to get tough
On those who listened to its song
That millions more are not enough.
Why need it tell them they were wrong?

The war on terror is a bust
Another blond distraction states.
With Bush now 'dead' who do we trust;
Who'll be the next the world all hates.

Tony I'd say, "I could go on;
I think you're wrong about the year.
The infotainment's just a con.
The chaos is already here".



It seems we need a reason why
We should get out of bed.
Without a reason to get up
In essence we are dead.

But what are we supposed to do?
Is anything OK?
For instance now, can I kill you
If you don't go my way?
If you say, "No"; then I'll ask, "Why?'
What reason can you give
That would tell me why I should care
Whether or not you live.

Don't tell me that it's just because.
A reason there must be,
To cover our entire life;
A future we must see
That's unified for all of us
Not just the lucky few.
This means it must allow for me
To see that I am you.
Don't look for a philosophy
We've tried them all before.
Religions only separate
And tally up the score.

You're having trouble, let me help.
I'll state the only why.
It's rooted in biology.
I think it's worth a try.
We do it somewhat anyway
It's just so little now
Because trying to fill the void
We've made our sacred cow.
Reach out to our capacities,
To others and to God.
Though it's the same for all of us
Uniqueness we'll applaud.

But even if we all "reach out..."
The why we still can pose.
The answer is don't pick it now;
"Reach out..." and smell the rose.