


I'm sorry, more I didn't care.
I had the chance while you were here.
It's just that I was unaware.
I never saw you shed a tear.

I didn't know you had been hurt.
You always seemed all right to me.
But when you said, "I feel like dirt."
I sensed a pain I couldn't see.

Too late I learned you felt no good.
I cursed the ones who told you so.
They stopped you being what you could
And thus gave you nowhere to go.

That left a hole for you inside,
A wound for life to feel alone
Because someone could not abide
A sin for which you should atone.

Despite your wound you handled well
All obligations that you bore.
You cared for me, that I could tell.
I now know why there wasn't more.

Had you told me what I know now
I could have tried to make amends.
To you I would have made a bow.
We would have been much more than friends.

I washed you, dressed you, helped you shave.
When we went out I helped you walk.
I set you in the tub to bathe.
But through it all we didn't talk.

I'm sad you thought I seemed so cold,
That I told you by being gruff
Your effort even to grow old
I felt was never good enough.

If I could do it all again
I'd hug you at least twice a day.
I would try more to ease your pain.
"I love you", is the least I'd say.

When I recall your final night
We're holding hands, for that I am glad;
And many times to aid your 'flight'
I said, "You did a great job Dad."


Of course God is! No, God is not!
We're tied together in this knot.
We probe, we pull, we twist, we turn
The facts of life and all we learn
There is no way to see God's face.
All we can do is take our place
In Nature's plan for us to be,
Our realized capacity.

If God exists, God we might feel
In this apparent planned "ideal
Reaction to the void"
Religion is a mortal sin
Since if in doctrine we're entwined,
For certain, God we will not find.
God isn't in religious thread.
Tied in it, Nature's God is dead.

Humanity will not survive
By searching for a God, alive. 

God's voice; God's will; God's message: re guns

Religion; Beliefs


Life starts 2 million years ago.
The reason why we do not know.
Through Age of Evolution we
By "Why?", were born humanity.
With Stone and Bronze and Iron aged;
Against an Age of Darkness raged.
In Middle Age we joined the fight
With thoughts, to start the Age of Light.
The Age of Industry we made;
In Economic Ages paid.
But life not right we next invent
A New Age of Enlightenment.
That showed us how our world was made
From particles, precisely laid.
New 'light' however, let us feel
The emptiness within is real.
The Information Age we spawned
To fill it but it still soon dawned
On us we cannot fill the void.
Now in our last try to avoid
The emptiness, we've chosen play.
So after coming all this way
It seems insane with all to lose,
The Entertainment Age we choose.
Our living has become a rave,
A witless party on our grave.
We fill our lives with deadly strife.
We’re wasting Mother Nature’s life.

Together we might end our waste
But only if we act with haste.
If we don’t act our Mother dies.
Without Her there are no more tries.
Unlike reality TV,
Survivors there will never be.
If we continue with this blast
The Entertainment Age is last.





I fed the hummingbirds today.
I can't for certain tell you why.
They're such inspiring little birds.
I like to see them round me fly.

A brain small as a grain of rice;
A 'finger' flown by two inch wings;
To see them hover, dart about;
Is one of the most awesome things.

The Rufus has a bib that glows
Just like a pretty hologram.
And when he shows his neck to us
He says with beauty, "God I am".

If two decide they can not share
They start to hover face to face
And then a helix they create
As they fly straight up into space.

Now as I think the more I feel
The reason why I like these birds;
They could be angels in disguise,
A flock of little flying words.

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see more of  Sandy Sandy's Spirit Art


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