The images and commentary coming out of  New Orleans are revealing: armed guards pointing shotguns at looters; convoys of national guards sent in "to keep the peace" in their own land; a few guards controlling hundreds of prisoners on a freeway ramp; troops protecting food supplies; a voice saying "They are more interested in preventing looting than saving lives".

"They" are us. By our choices we have created an existence in which clearly we do not voluntarily have peace in humanity. In trying to fill the void within, our directions are fundamentally opposed to each other. As a consequence we are forced to spend countless lives and trillions upon trillions of resources just trying to keep the peace.

Though pervasive and massive the peace keeping force is very weak. It draws what strength it does have from a tacit agreement that is completely conditional on a continuing ability to try filling the void. When we lose that ability or if because of some catastrophic event the real need to fill our stomachs becomes greater than our perceived need to fill the void, we see just how tenuous is our peace keeping force.

Our peace keeping force will survive Katrina. However, we should not ignore the lesson. Each successive stress, and there will be more, will weaken it further. If we persist in continuing our efforts to fill the void there can be no doubt there will come a time when our peace keeping force will prove ineffective and "all hell will break loose".

It will be too late to change then. It may not be too late now to avoid seeing the images of certain self-destruction. By choosing the ideal reaction to the void we will among other discoveries find that rather than being something we must use force to keep, peace is simply a medium of life.  see (the last why: the poem)