DEMOCRACY: the death of us

Humanity is governed by
Democracy we’ve not designed.
There were no formal documents.
It formed in our collective mind.
There are no parties seeking power.
Instead our countries take their place.
Each has a leader but just three
Are in the present leader’s race.

Democracy was given birth
And is sustained by the divides
We see throughout humanity
Creating our opposing sides.
Defenders say it is the worst
Except of course for all the rest.
But blind belief one is the way
Keeps us from seeing Nature’s best.

It is Her way of living that
Began 2 million years ago.
She was authoritarian;
Our predecessors didn’t know.
With Nature’s rule “they reached out to
The bounds of their capacities,
To others, and to Nature’s God.”,
Their natural activities.

Two million years of “reaching out…”
Created bodies we now see
And minds allowing them to ask
The reason they were meant to be,
Two hundred thousand years ago.
They looked. A reason wasn’t found.
They tried to fill the void with some
Creating thus, uncommon ground.

Since then as tries to fill the void
Increased, creating more divides,
Humanity that once had none
Has more than 7 billion sides.
In early years, to bridge divides
It was decided to debate.
When no one would give up their side
They then discovered how to hate.
Debate was called Democracy.
We’ve claimed our rights to fill the void,
Unnatural activity
That’s left our lives all but destroyed.

Apparently, we have 10 years
To make our way back from the brink.
In order to, we must increase
Our mind’s capacity to think.
Since we were ‘born’ by “Why am I?”,
Despite the knowledge we’ve acquired
Our joint capacity to think
Has not increased to what’s required
To make the necessary change
That would allow us to survive.
While we still try to fill the void
We simply can’t remain alive.

However, if we rise to see
The void in us can not be filled
And then begin to empty it,
The consequence will leave us thrilled.
We will return to common ground.
Together, we’ll no longer fear
The void. Debate will end and so
Democracy will disappear.

We will not need a substitute.
There’s one in place that’s been repressed.
A known authoritarian,
We will be ruled by Nature’s best.
With it we will create ourselves.
We’ll all see what we can become;
And rather than be torn apart,
Humanity will be our sum.

Our time is short. We must begin
To change at once. Though we may die
Regardless of the change we make,
We owe it to ourselves to try.

To restore our self-creative relationship with nature
we have to end our self-destructive relationship with

United we ourselves create.
Divided we disintegrate.

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
TRUMP ‘16, BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ABORTION(rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
CLIMATE BREAKDOWN (rhymed reason)
ECONOMY (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)


Written July 31 2017; last edited July 25 2023

The climate’s breakdown is so fast,
The way we're living it won't last,
The scientific body fears,
Beyond the 2030 years.

We're burning fuel for energy
To power an economy
We seem unable yet to learn
When we set fires, it's us we burn.
We're dying of increasing heat
That kills us and the food we eat
Directly, and too bakes the land
Diminishing our room to stand
That rising seas also decrease
As melting ice caps all release
More water than returns as snow.
What's more there is decreasing flow
From glaciers on mountain tops
And where flows end life clearly stops.
With heat and drought our deaths add up
By flooding or an empty cup.

Heat also melts the permafrost
Releasing plagues that were long lost,
And methane gas which kills as well
By making earth a deadly hell.
As heat is killing food we plant
It heats the oceans so they can't
Breath life into marine supplies
On which humanity relies.
It's heat that science also blames
For turning forests into flames
That burn Earth's lungs and also leave
Her breath impossible to breathe.
Increasing heat too fills the sky
With floods of tears that are Earth's cry
Of mourning, for the view is stark.
We're floundering and there's no ark.

Heat is enough to spell our doom.
However, there's still lots of room
To list more ways to our demise.
For one, our population size
That's growing larger every day
Despite two facts: there is no way
Our Mother’s feeding can keep pace;
We can fit into shrinking space.
There's also our economy
Creating inequality,
Religions and philosophies,
Which almost everyone believes
Are all essential for our life
Yet clearly cause increasing strife.
And when they're added, heat and hate
The breakdown they accelerate.

Now if you think this isn’t fact
Because the sky appears intact,
Just take a moment, look around,
You'll see that we are losing ground,
Not only that on which we stand
But also measured by the sand
That’s in our ‘glass’. It’s getting short.
According to the last report
Released the 2018 year
Within 10 more we’ll feel the fear
That catastrophic climate change
All life on earth will disarrange.

Although the point of no return
Appears so close, we still can learn
Complete breakdown we might avoid
By ending tries to fill the void
Behind 'Eve’s question, "Why am I?"
Because there is no known reply
Our tries to fill the emptiness
Are causing all this climate mess.
Beginning with ‘her’ empty ‘cup’
And ‘Adam’s try to fill it up
He set our course for doom today
Diverting us from Nature's way.

It's natural activity,
The only way that we can be
Completely what ‘She’ had in 'mind'.
Unique capacities we find
By reaching to our limits and
To others in our human band
While reaching out to Nature's God.
If we go back we will applaud
Returning to the unity
We need to save Humanity.

However, we must act with haste.
We have no further time to waste
On tries to answer vacant whys.
With each a bit of Nature dies.

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
TRUMP ‘16 BIDEN ‘20, NATURE ‘24 (rhymed reason)
AGE of ASININITY (rhymed reason)
ANALYZING CONFLICT (rhymed reason)
RACISM (rhymed reason)
COVID-19 vie er US (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: the death of us (rhymed reason)
LIFE: a reaction to the void (rhymed reason)
ECONOMY (rhymed reason)
THE LAST WHY: the poem (rhymed reason)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle (rhymed reason)
OUR HISTORY and THE LAST WHY (reasoned prose)
AGE of ENTERTAINMENT (rhymed reason)
MY POETRY (rhymed reason)
TOGETHER (rhymed reason)
LAW of HUMAN NATURE (rhymed reason)
ALCOHOL, DRUGS, SEX and other anesthetics (rhymed reason)
RELIGION (rhymed reason)
SEX (rhymed reason)
AFTERLIFE (rhymed reason)
HAPPINESS (rhymed reason)
ALONE: an anthem for humanity (rhymed reason)
WAR on PEACE (rhymed reason)
SOLDIER’S LAMENT (rhymed reason)
JESUS’ SONG (rhymed reason)

TRUMP ‘16; BIDEN ‘20; NATURE ‘24

It's apropos he's loud and brash,
A cut off horn gives him his name.
He blows his own and tweets nonstop
For mass distraction is his game.
Bamboozle is his stock-in-trade.
Though he spent hours on the stump,
Divisions in America
Are what elected Donald Trump.

By his account he is the best,
He boasts, the greatest of them all.
His skill is in division though.
Too sad “divided we will fall.”
Despite how strong he thinks he is
He draws his strength from those divides.
Without them he would fade away.
He couldn’t live without the sides.

The sides sustaining politics
Are ways we try to fill the void.
If we’d accept we can’t do that,
All Donald Trumps we could avoid.
If we stop giving life to Trumps
We would unite humanity.
Without divides we might survive
To live another century.

Though four years later Biden won,
Beliefs dividing us remain.
Because “divided we still fall”
To keep believing is insane.
Throughout the race the voters prayed,
”God please come over to our side.”
The God of Abraham agreed.
But Nature’s God cannot divide.

In ‘24 it matters not
Which man or woman wins the race.
Since Nature is in life to win
Democracy can not keep pace
With all the changes she will make
To reacquire her sanity
Despite that meaning she’ll have to
Dispose of all humanity.

To have a chance to live at all
We have to ditch democracy,
Dispose of all our make-believe,
And join in Nature’s unity.

OUR LIFE LINE (reasoned prose)
DEMOCRACY: a debacle


Just 56% cast votes
So 44 have given up.
Say Hillary won 29,
2 less won Donald Trump the 'cup'.
Interpreting percent results
Is simple if we know this fact.
Whatever our activities,
With them we to the void react.

Though our reactions are unique,
Each of us similarly blends
A complementary amount
Of one with either of two ends.
We must react with some ideal
Which gives life to humanity.
It's reaching to the boundaries
Of our unique capacity,
To others and to Nature's God,
That seems intended to dictate
A way of life which will ensure
An end that has us self-create.
We blend with it some giving up,
Or too with tries to fill the void,
But since with both we self-destruct
Ways to these ends we best avoid.

Now Donald Trump received his votes
From those believing he can fill
The measure of the void they feel
Not knowing no way ever will.
He offered jobs and cash(his way),
He promised too preeminence
For Christians, whites and men as well.
Each heard the promise that made sense.
Though Hillary made promises
That had some of the same appeal,
Her voters were to some extent
Inclining more to the ideal.

That Clinton won more votes than Trump
Does not a hopeful view construct.
Those votes for Trump and giving up
Create a win to self-destruct.
For hope we must 'vote' the ideal
Together so there's just one sum
That self-creates humanity
Revealing what we can become.
The battle has been long enough,
Two hundred forty years and more.
It's time to end the politics
And let the mighty eagle soar.

Democracy: a debacle


For most of human history,
From our conception to our birth,
Our forbears couldn't question why.
They simply lived in Mother Earth
Reacting to her every move.
If her creative plan was real
Their natural activity
We must conclude was the ideal.
They reached out to the limits of
Capacities that are unique,
To others, and to Nature's God.
For purpose they just didn't seek.

Then 'Eve' asked 'Adam', "Why am I?"
Which gave birth to humanity.
When 'Adam' answered, "I don't know."
He gave birth to our mystery
Which lasts so we still have a known
Conclusion we cannot avoid.
Though we don't know the reason why,
We're in reaction to the void.
This doesn't mean we must ask, "Why...?"
Reactions can be passed along
By others without questioning
The reason we reprise their 'song'.

The metaphysical unknown
That 'Adam' found was not the same
As physical unknowns he feared.
His fear of it he couldn't tame.
The physical unknowns he met
He tamed with either fight or flight.
The void however is within
So he could neither flee nor fight.
Instead he tried to fill the void
In order to give peace of mind.
He made up myths but felt them fail
So other ways he tried to find.

He didn't try exclusively.
In fact his tries were minuscule
Since most of his activity
Remained ideal, by Nature's rule.
But over the millennia
As tries to fill the void increased,
To make room in our lives for them
Ideal activity decreased.
Since tries to fill the void decreased
Activity that's natural,
Activity that is a try
Is opposite, unnatural.

Our tries to fill the void are not
The only way we can react.
Somewhere along the line of time
Just giving up became a fact.
Although it's inactivity,
Our giving up is like our tries;
It too decreases natural
Activity that makes our lives.

Though 'Adam' tried to fill the void'
To be a system of defence,
Reactions to the void have had
An unintended consequence.
There is no doubt we all can see
The consequence of giving up.
We simply must agree there is
No purpose in an empty 'cup'.

Because our tries to fill the void
Have come to dominate our time,
It could be much more difficult
Agreeing they must be a crime
Against humanity. But look
At the effect they have on life.
Essentially they are the cause
Of all our self-destructive strife.
Because the void is in our mind
Our tries to fill it we direct
Within, so even if the same
They are in conflict in effect.
Besides this consequence our tries
Prohibit us from "reaching out..."
That from conception to our birth
Was what our life was all about.

So though our "Why..." we cannot know,
If life is what our Mother planned,
Our tries as well as giving up
Can be rejected out of hand.
With these two out there is just one
Conclusion we cannot assault,
Our natural activity
Must be our purpose by default.